This past Tuesday, January 11th I officially started my blog. I was zealous to embark on this exciting journey spitting out not one, but two posts my first night (WATCH OUT!). Since Tuesday I've had some time to think about this blog, and I thought it might be good to provide several disclaimers.
Since I've explicitly stated a purpose for this blog, I thought it might be wise to add some clarifications.
First, my goal is to point out ways in which creation, specifically Christians, point to a new creation - a place where sin and it's effects will be no more. What I don't want to imply is that to be a Christian automatically equates to a perfect reflection of what's to come. History clearly shows many examples of the opposite. It's easy to recognize ways in which Christians misrepresent God's kingdom. And I certainly am all too aware that I daily fall short of a clear reflection. Praise God that in my failing I can rest that Jesus was the perfect incarnation of God and His Kingdom.
Second, I am not a theologian. I have not been to seminary nor have a been trained formally in any other way. I do have a deep love for the Bible and have read through the Bible several times. I love seeing the big picture of Scripture...hence the blog. :) My passion for God's Word aside, I do have a fear that I will in some way misrepresent Scripture, so please correct me if you read an error.
My hope for this blog is not that it will be a source of deep theological debate or analysis. My hope is more that I can highlight simple theological reflections found in everyday examples of the hope we have as Christians that one day all things will be made new. I pray that my heart will be tuned to see the divine in the daily and that this blog would be used to encourage readers to do the same. As a result may we praise God for the hope that is ours in Christ.
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